Thursday, February 4, 2010

How to become a big digg.

Your putting major effort into your blog and no one seems to digg it at all, except you, because you know it's so awesome! Need a boost?
1.Make some friends on the internet.
2.Give it a catchy title.
3.Make an awesome picture to go with it.
Just keep trying! Keep em' coming, if you need someone to digg your article, I will! Just put your link in my comments below. I will help you as much as possible.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How The iPad Came To Exist

I think this is so funny. This was submitted by spiderman0505.

Monday, February 1, 2010

myMCOG going Youtube

Just wanted you to know that we are going youtube very soon. We're writing, trying to break hold back our busy lives to share The Good News. What's the good news exactly?
We all have hard times, so we usually go the easy route. Don't do this, easy is not always best. We live in a drive-thru, microwave, text don't call generation. I think this is funny, beacause we still manage not to have enough time. It all boils down to what one thing, it's what you believe.

If you believe in being social, you don't mine spending an hour on Facebook. It doesn't bother you to go play golf when you have responsibilities either. Im not about to start naming golfers either, I know what your thinking,but that's not my point.There is nothing wrong with Facebook, or golf, its when you abuse it. That goes with most things like food,money,tv,texting(famous golfers, maybe you got that), internet, your friends. All these I mentioned are good, until you abuse them. It will come back to haunt you, if you don't treat those things(or people) right.

Basically all I am saying is to stand up. If it's right, do it. Do it because your a strong person and you will set the pace for your brother. Never give up, and if you have nothing to stand up for, start with this> click2stand.

LEAVE A COMMENT, I love reading from you guys.

Friday, January 29, 2010

3 inches fom death.

Here's an old blog that you may remember. I wrote this while our lives was totally being rocked.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

30 Seconds of Tim Tebow


The Superbowl is coming up, the biggest event in America this time of year. It's the Saints vs. Colts, which will be an awesome game I believe. This season has been very interesting, definitely the defeat of the Gators, but still Florida had an awesome season. Everyone seemed to love the QB, Tim Tebow. He's the guy that's known for scriptures on his eye-black markings.
Though his senior year is over, Tebow is coming back for the biggest game of all time. Focus On The Family and the mother of Tebow, Pam Tebow, decided to put up a $2.6 million commercial dealing with Pam's choice. It's about the life of a football legend, in thirty seconds, but it all began with a choice. What was that choice?
In the commercial, it recounts the story of Pam's pregnancy in the year of 1987. She speaks of how the doctors told her, it was her life for the baby's, Tim Tebow. The doctor's said abortion was the only way out, and they would refer to the baby as living "tissue." After the baby was born, both the mama and her son survived.
Twenty-three years later, Pam Tebow wanted to relive those days for only thirty seconds, for the world to see. CBS has agreed to show it, but every pro-abortion group seems to attack the idea. While they strongly disagree with the commercial that hasn't even been on broadcast, the Alaskan Governor applauds. Sarah Palin says there is nothing wrong with the ad because it "speaks to the sanctity of life and the beautiful potential within every innocent child as Mrs. Tebow acknowledges her choice to give Tim life, despite less than ideal circumstances."
The commercial is still being debated. What do you think?

Dog Runs This site is listed under News and Media Directory

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This is a new project my church is working on, and I would like to introduce it to you. The name is MYMCOG.
When alot of people see the name "MYMCOG", I can imgaine them trying to figure out what the letters mean. I guess by the cross being in there you can somehow relate it to a church or something. This might make it easeir for you, MY-M.C.O.G. Still doesn't? That's ok
Metter Church Of God, is what the four letters represent, and it's a church we have grown to love very much. When I say church, I mean the people who go there, which church actually means. This place is so awesome, because it's still got that Bible base tradition, in a fast-paced world. It is a place to refocus and continue on that path we all walk, that can sometimes be confusing. There's a little summary for you, so maybe that helped you with the letters.More info.
As for the website, we have tons of ideas. Podcast,live streaming, awesome blogs, and who knows what else. The newest so far is Verse of The Day.

Just stick around and see as MYMCOG grows, for there is so much more to come! Check us out at
Want to connect? Click here.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Prediction On Twitter

I have heard alot on what people think about social networks, and mostly Facebook comes up. Not too long ago it was Myspace, but now it's Facebook. Now there is a new dog in town, Twitter.
Most people don't understand this new concept of just a status and only 140 characters in the entry. I think Twitter is genius, even though people are becoming more technologically advanced everyday, we will always like the simple best. Facebook is awesome, but Twitter is a time saver. You get so hooked on Facebook with all these apps like Farmville, and something about poking? Who knows how many get fired, because of these apps and the non-stop fun you get entangled with. Its crazy.
Im not here bashing Facebook, I like Facebook. There is pros and cons to everything, but I think we underestimate Twitter. It's the new, and people like new. We should be aware of the tech world since we live in it. TWITTER.COM stats are growing, and if its not bigger in the years to come, it will be the opponent Facebook has never had.
More Info: click here

Monday, January 25, 2010


When I heard about this tragedy, it reminded me of the prophecy in the Bible. "Earthquakes in diverse places" spoken by a righteous prophet, Matt. 24. They are everywhere, but we can't miss the fact that these people are hurting. The media has flooded this place because of the catostrophe, its the main keyword online "Haiti". These guys need our help, they numbers went from thousands, to hundred of thousands of people who were either hurt, or dead. It seems as though our pockets are empty for these guys, maybe it's because were not aware of how big this thing really is. We need to do something. I know were blessed as a country, the mighty USA, to not deal as much with earthquakes, but we know how it feels to be left for dead, either by nature(hurricane Katrina) or man(the list is too long). Let's help these people as much as we can.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Intro to Blogger

Hello blog fans,
I am new to this, so you have to help me! I need some people who know their technology to join me and lets learn about the now and the soon to come. I love learning the new things, and I believe Twitter is the next big thing. Maybe even bigger than Facebook. I like it's setup, its simple but an awesome tool. I will talk about this later on. Also remember to pray for Haiti. Thanks and goodnight.

mymcog intro

check out